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Главная » 2013 » Июль » 16 » Hiren's Boot DVD 15.2 Restored Edition 1.1 NEW (January 2013)

Hiren's Boot DVD 15.2 Restored Edition 1.1 NEW (January 2013) Скачать бесплатно


Hiren's Boot DVD 15.2 Restored Edition! - незаменимый инструмент, используемый многими компьютерными техниками и системными администраторами. Hа одном загрузочном DVD собраны десятки самых популярных программ и утилит для работы в режиме DOS.
Это утилиты для работы с жестким диском, его восстановления и диагностики, утилиты диагностики всех узлов компьютера, файловые менеджеры, утилиты для работы в сети, а также многие другие. Hiren's Boot DVD избавляет от необходимости держать под рукой десятки и десятки дисков с необходимыми в ежедневной работе программами.

Так же включены 3 Mini Windows (98, XP and 7) и 2 Linux. Новая Mini Windows 7 это модификация Wondershare LiveBoot 2012 Windows 7 PE.

Дополнительная информация:
Этот Restored DVD включает в себя все утилиты (программы) обнаруженные в последней версии hiren`s boot cd 15.2 (декабрь 2012). Cо многими утилитами обновленными до последней версии называется Restored, потому что содержит все коммерческие утилиты (программы), пропущенные в официальных релизах (выпусках) ( начиная с версии 11.0) Также содержит другие вспомогательные программы, такие как Acronis, Paragon, Active@ и другое полезное программное обеспечение полностью интегрированное с Hiren`s меню.

Restored DOS Menu utilities
* Acronis Backup & Recovery, UR 11.5 (build 32308)
* Acronis Disk Director 11.0 Advanced (build 12077)
* Acronis True Image 2013 (build 5587)
* Active Partition Recovery 3.0
* Active Password Changer 4.0
* Active Undelete 5.5
* DiskGenius 3.5.0 Professional
* GetDataBack for FAT/NTFS 4.0
* Image For Dos 2.77
* HDD Regenerator 2011
* Norton Ghost 11.5.1
* Paragon Hard Disk Manager 12 (
* Paragon Mount Everything 3.0
* PC-Check 6.21
* Synantec ImageCenter 5.6

Self booting utilities
* Acronis [3]
+ Backup & Recovery 11.5 (build 32308)
+ Disk Director 11.0 Advanced (build 12077)
+ True Image 2013 (build 5587)
* Active Boot Disk 6.5.0
* BootIt Bare Metal 1.85
* Clonzilla 2.0.1-15
* Eassos PartitionGuru/Disk Genius 3.5.0 Pro & 4.2.0 Free
* EaseUS Partition Master 9.1.1 Server
* GParted 0.14.0
* Hardware Detection Tool (HDT) 0.5.0.
* HDAT2 (HD Diagnostics & Testing) 4.9.2
* HDClone Professional Edition 4.1.4
* Kaspersky Rescue Disk, Updated 4-Dec-2012
* KonBoot version 2.
* Macrium Reflect Professional 64 bit 5.0 4354
* OneKey Ghost 6.5
* Paragon Hard Disk Manager 12 (
* Plop Boot Manager 5.0.14 (20.12.2012)
* Parted Magic Linux 2012_12_25. Modified to boot in systems with non PAE CPUs.
* QuickTech Pro SB 5.90.00 Hardware diagnostics and stress test.
* R-Drive 4.7 (4726)
* Spinrite 6
* Super Grub2 Disk Version 2.

Important Items
* Mini Windows 7. It is based on the excellent WonderShare LiveBoot 2012 Windows 7 PE. It is heavily modified to look as close as
possible to Hiren’s Mini Windows XP. It includes everything from Mini XP, has better suport for wireless and ADSL modems, and many
* SysRescueCD 3.1.2[2] A live Linux Gentoo based rescue CD (choice of 32 or 64 bit) that offers more choice than Parted Magic. It includes many tools for rescuing and managing Linux and windows systems. Hundreds of utilities. e.g. Clam antivirus, Gparted, ntfs-3g, wifi access, syslinux, telnet, ssh, PXE boot, Firefox, vim, MC?
* BackTrack (optional). An Ubuntu based Linux live CD for digital forensics and penetration (sic) testing. It includes many well known security and reversing tools, e.g. Aircrack, Ophcrack, Gerix Wifi Cracker, disassemblers, sniffers, etc., as well as commonplace applications such as browsers, file managers, editors, torrent clients, etc. There is a menu entry for BT5 (under Linux), but you need to download and include in the DVD the files. Detailed instructions as to how to do this are included. Read document add-BT5.pdf.

Added to HBCDMenu program launcher
* AIDA64 Extreme Edition 1.85.1600
* Acronis
+ Backup & Recovery 11.5 (build 32308)
+ Disk Director 11.0 (build 2343)
+ True Image 2013 (build 5551)
* Active Password changer professional 4.0
* AOMEI Partition Assistant Professional 5.1
* Atlantis Word Processor Pro
* Avast Antivirus 1.0.3 updatable (updated 07-05-2012)
* Avast Registry Editor
* Calculator (Micro$oft calc.exe is very good why not have it in MiniXP?)
* CardRecovery 5.30.1206
* Crystal Disk Info
* DRevitalize 2.42 Repair bad sectors.
* DSynchronize (Drive/directory synchronizer) 2.30.2
* DTaskManager (Powerfull process control) 1.51.
* Data Recovery Wizard Pro 5.5.1
* Dynamic Disk Converter, Server Edition 3.2
* Eassos PartitionGuru/Disk Genius 3.7.0 Pro & 4.2.0 Free
* EFS Advanced Data Recovery 4.42, Recover data from encrypted files.
* GetDataBack NTFS & FAT 4.22
* HDClone Professional 4.1.4
* HitmanPro, Easily remove ransomeware + antimalware. (KickStart function needs USB flash Drive).
* HWiNFO32 3.65-1065
* Internet Download Manager 6.12 Build 26 (autogrubs links from Firefox)
* Isobuster 3.0
* LookInMyPC 2.12-11-24
* MalwareBytes (updatable)
* MiniTool Power Data Recovery 6.6
* Mozilla Firefox 17.0.1
* Norton Ghost 11.5.1,
+ Ghost Cast Server
+ Ghost Image Explorer
* Outlook Express Backup 6.5
* Paragon Alignment Tool
* Paragon Hard Disk Manager server
* Partition Wizard Server edition 7.6
* Passware Kit Enterprise 10.3.2585 (Crack any password).
* PowerCmd 1.9
* PSPR 6.3.1 (Proactive System Password Recovery)
* Raid Reconstructor 4.25
* Registry Workshop 4.6.0
* SkyIAR 1.2 Install ACHI/SATA/IDE controller drivers.
* Terabyte
+ Image For Windows 2.7.7
+ Image Explorer (TBIView) 4.30.0
+ TBIMount 1.08
* TeraCopy 2.27
* Total Commander 8.01
* UltraISO Premium
* WinMount 3.5.1018
* WinNTSetup 2.3.1 Install Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7/2003/2008 anywhere, fast, integrate drivers, include customizations.
* WinRar 4.01
* WXHexEditor 0.11 (Hex editor. Can handle Terabyte files/disks).
* WinHex 16.8 Advanced Hex Editor, Disk/Ram Editor
* +Many other minor updates (e.g. CCleaner, Defraggler, Recuva,
etc.). We have tried to update to current versions as many of the
utilities as possible).

Installation Instructions and Important Notes
* Burn (preferably at the lowest possible speed) theiso image to a dvd, insert the dvd in a computer and boot from it.
* For installation to USB read document usb-installation.pdf
* For keyboards other than English you can still apply Hiren’s keyboard patch.
* To the forensics distro BackTrack, read document add-BackTrack.pdf
* To reduce size of DVD to CD or to fit in a smaller GB USB stick read file trim-dvd.txt
* Read document install-win-with-hbcd.pdf, a guide for how to install windows from USB.
* Mini Windows XP and Mini Windows 7 run from RAM. If you start one program after another you will soon run out of memory. So clean the temp folder from time to time.
* The HBCD program launcher (and many portable utilities) are incompatible with 64 bit Windows 7. Use them only within 32 bit windows, Mini Windows XP and Mini Windows 7.
Changes between V1.0 and V1.1:


Системные требования:
ОЗУ (оперативная память) от 1 гиг и более.
Компьютер с возможностью загрузки с CD или USB.

Хеш суммы:
Файл: hbcd-15.2-Restored-V1.1-dvd-proteus.iso
CRC32: 47CC0243
MD5: 95152B2DDF59141CC927FEBE9102F966
SHA-1: A3FD03E6BDEA29308651DA9FFA9537A355D79D53


Разработчик: hirensbootcd
Год выпуска: 2013
Активация: не требуется
Язык Интерфейса: Английский
Формат файла: rar
Размер: 2.77 GB

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